This is a simple project I completed in one morning. When we moved to our current house, the satellite dish installer broke the glass on our framed letter art name picture (not sure what the official name of that is). It sat in the basement for three years; partly because it didn't fit in with anything we have decorated in this house. We have an unfinished basement that was my intended destination for it; but alas, finishing a basement is not on the short list. SO, I attempted a mini-makeover to bring it back upstairs.
I failed at getting a full before picture, but this is the shot I took when I remembered...
painters' tape
Krylon chalkboard spraypaint
chalk or chalkmarker
Then it was time to use the Krylon chalkboard spraypaint (I had a recent awful experience with Rustoleum chalkboard paint...for another post; just use Krylon). Wait for a non-windy day. I used 2 coats.
After that was dry, I rubbed sidewalk chalk all over it sideways to get that chalkboard look.
I also used a fine tip chalkboard marker to correct any places where a little black paint snuck under an edge of painters' tape.
I bought a new glass from Hobby Lobby with a 40 % off coupon. They cut it right then for me (I took the frame with me to the store).
SOOOOOO, this turned out super cute, but it STILL doesn't fit in where I thought it might above a wreath (see pic below). I think I have to redo the frame to a more rustic look/color.
I failed at getting a full before picture, but this is the shot I took when I remembered...
painters' tape
Krylon chalkboard spraypaint
chalk or chalkmarker
I disassembled the mat and used painters' tape around the white cut part to keep that white. Tip: cut the painters tape in half lengthwise to save tape (you don't need the full width of the tape for that little piece of white rim).
After that was dry, I rubbed sidewalk chalk all over it sideways to get that chalkboard look.
I also used a fine tip chalkboard marker to correct any places where a little black paint snuck under an edge of painters' tape.
And then the fun part~ We drew whatever we wanted. I credit Kaylie for some very nice dog paws to represent our four legged family members.
SOOOOOO, this turned out super cute, but it STILL doesn't fit in where I thought it might above a wreath (see pic below). I think I have to redo the frame to a more rustic look/color.
Stay tuned for where this ends up, and what becomes of that amazing wreath.