The Fourth (of July) and Fifth (Month Check-up for the Twins)

7:42 PM

The Fourth -2014

John Adams wrote the following to his wife when the founding fathers were writing the Declaration of Independence:

"I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade..."

Okay, so he was actually writing about the 2nd of July (it didn't get finalized for two more days), but the twins are actually only ~ 3 months adjusted age too.  All brilliant people are a little off, right?

I waivered on whether to do anything for the 4th of July.  Not because I don't LOVE planning a good time or having a good time, but because having twins is exhausting!  What few minutes I do have, I want to just fall face down and zone out or nurse my aching back (I'm feeling about as old as America).

I mom'ed-up, though, because I want my girls to have fond memories, even if they're too young, or too cool (uh-hum) to care at this point [footnote= they were all up and excited by 7:30 a.m. today].

I remember fireworks with my family on the farm, and I want my girls to think I gave a flying sparkler.

Some good friends mentioned they could come over for a casual get together, and this sounded reasonable (you know those friends you don't have to clean the house for and you can hand them a chore when they walk in the door?... and they come back).

I made a fruit pizza, not carefully working around the one MILLION Dr. Brown's bottle pieces with a baby strapped to me.
Grilling the hotdogs was a chore I handed off.

Thanks, Matt!
The big kids swam and slip-n-slided...
and the little kids dodged mosquitos.
 And that lasted about 4 minutes.  I resort to pre-pictures:


Total mom face, Harper is ready for a nap and dad just had to go see about an animal for work.
 Good job Kaylie and Wrenly!

That wraps up our 4th.  We did get to watch someone else's fireworks on July 3rd from our kitchen as we washed bottles.  The fireflies danced across the cornfield, and it was one of those unexpected, perfect life moments.

The Twins - 5 months

The five month check-up marks the girls' almost 3 months adjusted age (not quite).  There were no shots, but they screamed THE WHOLE TIME.  Kaylie took photographic evidence:

 Harper 13lbs 4oz                                                                                                      
 Wrenly 13lbs 3.5oz
I don't remember lengths because see above.
Harper would like to take off walking this month, but she will settle for sitting in her Boppy.
Wrenly wants to talk all.the.time.
They watched Sesame Street for the first time.
Thank you, Elmo; I finally got a shower on my week off work.

They are both loving to chew on anything, but can't hold anything to their mouths.  This means you have to sit and hold the thing they want to chew on. No words for this.
But who needs words, when you have this.
Kaylie is taking Photoshop in her summer classes. 
 She made these collages from my phone during the doctor visit:

And because all the quotes from 1776 are uber long and not as catchy, I reference Hunger Games,
"Every revolution begins with a spark."

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